In China a centuries old system is known to calculate life hexagrams from the Yijing. Using your birth date, time and place as a starting point it gives information about your character, your stronger en weaker points, and it provides insights in your path in life.
This system is known as Heluo Lishu 河洛理數, ’The Numbers and Principles of the He and Luo river documents’. Originating from the xiangshu 象數 branch of Yijing application it combines the hexagrams of the Yijing with the Stems and Branches of the Chinese calendar and the wuxing 五行 (Five Elements).The relationship between these parts shows the dynamics of someones personality and life path. The Heluo Lishu system was introduced by the authors Sherrill & Chu in their book The Astrology of I Ching, but this book contains serious mistakes and misconceptions that can lead to a wrong outcome.
This online course explains in eight lessons how you should calculate and interpret a life hexagram. There are more courses and also software programs about this subject, but they all use Sherrill & Chu’s book as base, which of course leads to certain consequences in the outcome. Because the original Heluo Lishu document forms the basis for this course the mistakes from The Astrology of I Ching are avoided. The original manuscript gives additional ways to interpret a life hexagram which are not mentioned by S&C, and by using a selected set of websites you can avoid some difficult calculations, making it easier to obtain a life hexagram.
We designed a special classroom on internet for this course. Through this virtual space the student acquire the lessons on a weekly basis, as well as assignments and tests to check the progress. There is a discussion forum to talk with the other students and ask questions to the teacher, and once a week there is the possibility to chat with the teacher.
The course contains the following eight lessons:
- Background of the Heluo Lishu; what do you need for the calculations?
- Calculation of the bazi 八字
- Calculation of the xiantian 先天 hexagram, the yuantang 元堂 and the year periods (daxiang 大象)
- Interpretation (1): trigrams and lines
- Interpretation (2): wuxing, Stems and Branches, the houtian 後天 hexagram and how it relates to the xiantian hexagram
- Year hexagram – calculation & interpretation
- Month hexagram – calculation & interpretation
- Case studies
Startdate: around March 15th 2010
Price: € 90,--
How do you apply for this course?
The starting date is not entirely decided, it is possible that the course will start one or two weeks later. Therefore it is best to sign up for the mailing list: send a (blank) mail to, and we will let you know about the definitive starting date, how you can sign up and how you can send your payment for the course.
I hope I can welcome you as a student!